Entry Points - Notes
Howard Gardner (1993) has contributed greatly to the awareness that students vary in intelligence preferences or strengths. He also is convinced that there are important differences among intelligences and that attending to student differences as learners can facilitate learning.
Gardner (1991, 1993) describes "entry points," or avenues of learning , as a strategy for addressing varied intelligence preferences. He proposes student exploration of a given topic through varied entry points:
- Narrational: Presenting a story or narrative about the topic or concept in question.
- Logical-Quantitative: Using numbers or deductive/scientific approaches to the topic or question.
- Foundational: Examining the philosophy and vocabulary that undergird the topic or concept.
- Aesthetic: Focusing on the sensory features of the topic or concept.
- Experiential: Using a hands-on approach where the student deals directly with materials that represent the topic or concept. These materials also make links to the student's personal experience.