Agenda - Notes


An agenda is a personalized list of tasks that a particular student must complete in a specified time and made for a student to work independently. The activities are designed for the working level and needs of the learner. 

An agenda allows a student to work at an appropriate pace, order work to their liking, develop independence, manage personal time and work at their level of readiness.

Teacher Responsibilities:

  • A teacher usually creates an agenda that will last a student two to three weeks, but the duration can vary. 
  • The teacher develops a new agenda when the previous one is completed. 

Student Responsibilities:

  • Students determine the order in which they will complete agenda items. 
  • A particular time in the day is set aside as "agenda time."

While students work on their agendas, the teacher has great freedom to move among the individual students, coaching and monitoring their understanding and progress. 

  • The teacher can also take advantage of agenda time to assemble small groups of students who need guided work or direct instruction with a particular concept or skill. 

Agendas can also be used for homework rather than classwork, for both classwork and homework, or for an anchor activity when students complete assignment classwork. 

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